Retaliate meaning and sentence examples

Retaliate meaning:

to hurt someone or do something harmful to someone because they have done or said something harmful to you

Retaliate sentence examples:

  1. If someone insults you, don't retaliate as it only makes the situation worse.
  2. The demonstrators threw rocks at the police, who retaliated by firing blanks into the crowd.
  3. His first instinct was to retaliate against the attacks.
  4. Former BPD assistant chief says act of retaliation forced him out of law enforcement
  5. Suspect killed man in retaliation for friend’s death on same street
  6. Amazon Must 'Cease And Desist' With Its Retaliation Against Unionization Efforts, Judge Says
  7. Man Sentenced to Prison for Threatening to Retaliate Against Witness
  8. New York Employers Cannot Retaliate Against Employees for Lawful Absences
  9. Russia to retaliate if Israel sends weapons to Ukraine
  10. Retired trooper who claimed whistleblower retaliation goes to trial Monday
  11. Will China retaliate against US tech sanctions?
  12. Ukraine braces for Russian retaliation
  13. 'Will retaliate': Iran warns Saudi Arabia its patience has limits

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