1.A.Voc + Sen [A-L]


  1. Acclimatize

  2. Administer

  3. Advance

  4. Afloat

  5. Afoot

  6. Aggravate

  7. Ajar: We left the door ajar so that we could hear what they were saying.

  8. Allay: Experts allay fear of major side effects (diminish or put at rest)

  9. Allegedly: 

  10. Ample: the market has ample supply of the daily necessities

  11. Array

  12. Ascend: NRBC Bank will ascend to a strong position

  13. At-risk: US government requested Uganda to temporarily host “at-risk” Afghan nationals


  1. Absolve: Govt likely to absolve Air India bidders from Cairn lawsuit liabilities

  2. Ablution: Soap or hand sanitizers must be put in places designated for ablution

  3. Accolade

  4. Actuary: a person whose job is to calculate risk for insurance companies and pension funds. His actuarial audit provides an independent review


  1. Bio-secure bubble: The team will also enter a bio-secure bubble

  2. Bumpy: going through a bumpy ride throughout the day

  3. Brew: The problem brewed

  4. Berth

  5. Befit

  6. Budge: Will not budge an inch from the policy

  7. Board: reached the terminal via whatever vehicle they could avail and boarded the ferry

  8. Buoyancy: the market will continue to show buoyancy

  9. Breadwinner: I am the only breadwinner of my family

  10. Brainstorming: We heard that they (home ministry) are brainstorming on Evaly

  11. Breakthrough: Although some breakthrough infections may be happening, vaccines are still doing a very good job at protecting people against severe Covid illness and deaths

  12. Booster dose: It is important to understand when booster doses might be needed and for whom

  13. Bankroll: Bangladesh to receive $940m ADB loan to bankroll jab purchase [support financially]

  14. Barge: six men barged into the house

  15. Befall: a similar situation like Sri Lanka may befall in Bangladesh

  16. Bespoke: The bespoke research for the BBC suggests that

  17. Bit by bit: Now, bit by bit, the Belgian capital is starting to uncover its long-

  18. Brace: Canada is also bracing for extreme heat

  19. Bunker barge

  20. Brainchild: 

  21. Boon: Social distancing proves a for bicycle exporters

  22. Bananas: The crowd went bananas when the concert began

  23. Bad to worse: the country's going from bad to worse

  24. Back out (withdraw from a commitment): If he backs out of the deal they’ll sue him

  25. Buoy: Buoyed by a surge in interest in coffee farming

  26. Back in: OPPO and Nokia had signed a multi-year licensing agreement back in 2018

  27. Bubble: the stock market went through a bubble

  28. Bust-up: Taliban leaders in bust-up at presidential palace

  29. Brawl: Supporters of two rival factions reportedly brawled at the presidential palace

  30. Brew: Pandemic brews real trouble for Cumilla real estate

  31. Bask: A pioneer in Ponzi scheme, Evaly still basks in blessings

  32. Blood-drenched: The American War of Independence lasted well over eight years, 104 blood-drenched months to be exact

  33. Bull run: Optimism fuels bull run; indices at record highs. Investors starting to play defence as bull run matures


  1. Collateral: She put her house up as collateral for the bank loan

  2. Clean sweep: Bangladesh clinch 3-0 clean sweep against West Indies

  3. Contentious

  4. changeover of power

  5. Cheque for: received cheque for Tk 5 lakh each

  6. Cognizance:  

  7. Cohort

  8. Collect: they collected themselves and looked for opportunities to do something to survive

  9. Carryover: Carryover power projects get higher allocation in budget

  10. Cut-motion: replying to a cut-motion placed by opposition MPs

  11. Cry: Barvida cries tariff discrimination against Japanese reconditioned cars

  12. Complacency: Experts say no room for complacency in Covid-19 fight

  13. Contemplate: 

  14. Curious case

  15. Curb: 

  16. Connivance

  17. Come round

  18. Cut down: Lockdown may witness a cut down on restrictions

  19. Concurrently: But as the two sentences would run concurrently, the convict will have to suffer 15-year jail only

  20. Concussion: He was carried off the pitch with concussion

  21. Crowdfunding: 

  22. Coax

  23. Chills: It sent chills down my spine

  24. Clunky: A bit clunky

  25. Cumulative

  26. Caught in: The project is now caught in land acquisition delay

  27. Capital-intensive: automobile industry is capital-intensive

  28. Clock: Beximco clocks 77pc higher revenue

  29. Cushion: to cushion the Covid-19 fallout

  30. Carnet de Passage: A Carnet de Passage is a document that allows you to cross international borders with a vehicle and avoid paying customs charges.

  31. Component: cement is a key component


  1. US government requested Uganda to temporarily host "at-risk" Afghan nationals

  2. Drench: Rains to drench parts of Bangladesh

  3. Daydream

  4. Determinant

  5. Diversion: Fund diversion by borrowers, lack of farsightedness among businesses when it came to investment, and banks' failure to maintain due diligence were mainly responsible for the highest amount of default loans in the sectors

  6. Diligence: Fund diversion by borrowers, lack of farsightedness among businesses when it came to investment, and banks' failure to maintain due diligence were mainly responsible for the highest amount of default loans in the sectors

  7. Domains: Our bilateral cooperation is progressing steadily across all domains

  8. Double-jabbed: Researchers say they are seeing some waning of protection against Covid infections in double-jabbed people

  9. Disparity: The WHO hit out at the "shocking disparity" in access to coronavirus vaccines

  10. Disgruntled: was assassinated by a group of disgruntled army officers

  11. Deranged: BNP itself is deranged

  12. Decelerate: Bangladesh GDP growth decelerated from 8% in FY19

  13. Downhill: the index suddenly went downhill

  14. Drop: Daily infection rate drops to below 4pc

  15. Driven by: driven by a strong quarter

  16. Devastating: pandemic created a devastating effect on poor 


  1. Edge: Democratic edge shrinks in Arizona Senate, governor races

  2. Emasculate: Govt emasculating tribunals by not making appointments: SC

  3. Exponent: Adam Smith was an exponent of free trade. In 6³ and y², 3 and 2 are the exponents

  4. every nook and cranny

  5. Enumeration: Enumeration of next Population Census unlikely in Oct

  6. Embark

  7. Enchilada: Scammer

  8. Entail: a large loan for one client always entails a greater risk

  9. Excruciate: excruciating traffic jams

  10. Enchant; 

  11. Endemic

  12. Every day

  13. Exerted


  1. Figure: Belarus opposition figure sentenced to 11 years in jail

  2. Food vs foods

  3. -Fold (suffix): The problems are twofold - firstly, economic, and secondly, political. Global demand for electric vehicles to grow by 11-fold within 2035

  4. Fish out: Missing tourist’s body fished out of Karnaphuli river

  5. Fore: 

  6. Fora: Both sides also discussed the issues of mutual cooperation and reciprocal supports in the multilateral fora

  7. Forcibly: Hundreds of desperate holidaymakers were seen forcibly boarding ferries

  8. Exaggerate: We shouldn’t exaggerate or manipulate the facts

  9. Futility: data show futility of restrictions

  10. Foray: Karan believes his foray into the world of jewellery is the perfect place to channel his creativity and business savvy

  11. Footprint

  12. Fall to: Pabna scissors industry falls to Chinese imports

  13. Farsightedness: Fund diversion by borrowers, lack of farsightedness among businesses when it came to investment, and banks' failure to maintain due diligence were mainly responsible for the highest amount of default loans in the sectors

  14. Firstcomer

  15. Frugal: countrymen need to be frugal to face the upcoming global financial crisis

  16. Frosty relations: His silencing of critics has caused alarm abroad, contributing to frosty relations with the EU

  17. Fall in trouble: construction companies will fall in trouble

  18. For 4th straight day

  19. Ferment: economic crisis has fermented fear in the minds of many investors

  20. Fearmonger: Some are fearmongering on social media that the economy of Bangladesh may also soon fall into trouble

  21. Flutter: Bangladesh flags flutter proudly in Australian capital

  22. Finish off: This daily average is far from what is required to finish the drive off this year

  23. Floodplain


  1. Gravel: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been hit by gravel thrown by protesters during a campaign stop

  2. Grim: Flood situation remains grim

  3. Glaring example

  4. Generate: These are the top five sectors that generated the highest level of bad loans

  5. Give out: As of December last year, banks gave out funds amounting to $500 million in the sector

  6. Gallop: Bangladesh gallop ahead

  7. Greenlight: BSEC has greenlighted Beximco [give permission to go ahead with (a project)]

  8. Go on strike: Vessel workers go on strike

  9. Get off: After getting off the ferries

  10. Go digital: Illegal drugs trade goes digital for pandemic

  11. Gargle: India’s research institute develops saline gargle RT-PCR technique

  12. Gear up: Politicians are already gearing up for the next election

  13. Generate: The firm generated net revenues of $1.93 billion, up 38 percent from $1.4 billion earned during 

  14. Glut: The roads are glutted with cars (an excessively abundant supply of something)

  15. Give out: Banks now give out farm loans in a speedy manner

  16. Garland (v): 


  1. Harrowing: Family recalls harrowing fire that consumed 4-storey Brandon condo building

  2. Hit out at: The WHO hit out at the "shocking disparity" in access to coronavirus vaccines

  3. Hearse vehicles: 

  4. Head: Bankers asked to provide information on nine heads [nine entries]

  5. Hiccup: Matarbari port faces land acquisition hiccup

  6. Honcho: The BCB honchos sat with Mahmudullah in a city hotel

  7. Heart-wrenching stories

  8. Headwinds: Oil prices fell on Friday, pressured by multiple 

  9. Hobble: Hobbled by patchy insurance

  10. Hiatus: after a seven-month hiatusI


  1. Index mover: The companies were the main index mover on the day

  2. Ill-effort: BNP is making ill-efforts to fish in troubled water

  3. Intraday

  4. Instil

  5. In all

  6. Indices

  7. In-person: ministry is planning to hold in-person classes

  8. Intranet: intranet, is a network of computers that only connects people within a certain group, such as employees at a company

  9. Immunity with: the protection from Pfizer fell significantly whereas immunity with the AstraZeneca jab 

  10. remained more stable

  11. Invulnerable: Vaccination does not, unsurprisingly, make people invulnerable, and does not prevent all infections

  12. In the day: Earlier in the day

  13. Inch up/down: Private credit growth inches up in Dec

  14. Insipid: mugs of insipid coffee

  15. Incur 

  16. Afridi takes four as Bangladesh implode around Shanto's fifty


  1. Jab: All set for Covid jab roll-out. The UK is expected to begin offering some people a third Covid booster jab next month

  2. Jump: jumped to its highest level

  3. Judgement (not judgment)


  1. Kerb market:

  2. Key up: The government is keyed up 

  3. Keep one’s powder dry: Weaker economic sentiment data failed to inspire investors who kept their powder dry ahead of a key regulatory meeting


  1. Layoff: Workers have been warned to expect further layoffs

  2. Last (v): The American War of Independence lasted well over eight years, 104 blood-drenched months to be exact.

  3. Literally: Dhaka airport goes to the dogs, literally!

  4. Long-haul: long-haul bus services remained suspended


  1. Laxity: Laxity is prevailing everywhere

  2. Leapfrog: Shakib leapfrogs Holder, Ashwin in Test ranking

  3. Leg up: Govt looks to give light engineering a leg up

  4. Lie trapped: Malaysia lies trapped between Covid and deadlock

  5. Line: plans to expand its line of locally assembled cars

  6. Light up: Tamim lights up the BPL commentary box

  7. Live up: They urged the Taliban to live up to those earlier promises

  8. Livid: Some players were livid at the umpires

  9. Loan injection: loan injection into the farm sector

  10. Loose: on the loose

  11. Loo: I'll just go to the loo

  12. Lockdown-induced: lockdown-induced plight prompted him to paddle a rickshaw

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