Learn English through Voice of America – (April 2015)

Learn English through Voice of America – (March 2015)

Learn English

March 26: Paul's Case   

March 28: Don't Panic!   

Learn English – How to say Hello and Goodbye, formally and informally

Easy English Learning
Formal: How are you?
Informal: Hey man?
How’s it hangin? (notice the spelling of hangin without g)
What’s up?
How are you doing?

Formal: I’m fine/well
Informal: I’m good

Formal: Good bye
Informal: Later
See ya

Go Here >>> Watch in Video

Learn English – Comprehension is a Good Skill

Easy English Learning
Comprehension is a good skill to learn. Many people can read. But they don’t truly understand what they are reading. So it’s important to understand the context of a content.

Step 1: Read quickly and underline the words you don’t know
Step 2: Read again # Use the dictionary # Summarize each paragraph
Step 3: Read again # Summarize everything

Learn English

By summarizing everything you actually have to understand what you are doing. By reading it over and over you will actually understand phrases, idioms and vocabularies.

Source: YouTube

Learn English – Say, Tell, Hear, Listen – How to use them correctly

Easy English Learning

Difference between Say and Tell

Say: Repeat exactly
Tell: a) Information, b) Instruction and c) Orders
Learn English

Difference between Listen and Hear

Listen: Focusing (Active)
Hear: Sound around you that you are not focusing (Passive) Active means you do it while passive means it happens to you.
Source: YouTube

Learn English – 3 Keys to Study More Effectively

Easy English Learning

Key 1: Make it interesting

When you find English interesting, you will be able to remember it easily because you will pay attention to it. So, try to find topics that interest you.

Key 2: Home work

You may not like to do home work. But if you do home works or exercise, you will remember English better.

Key 3: Review

Once you review what you have already learnt, you will not forget it. So, try to make a review in five to seven days You can watch related video on YouTube Watch on Youtube